Machine Learning for Quantum Matter

The Machine Learning for Quantum Matter workshops are intended to help a build a research community in the area of applying machine learning to accelerating areas of quantum chemistry and computational physics. We are a community of research groups interested in research in this area, organising events at cost price. We are particularly interested in nurturing the early career researchers in this area: please do not feel put off by the sometimes high falutin nature of the research talks - you are very welcome here!

Our next event will be on Friday 3rd May 2024 at Imperial College London.

Lectures will run from 10AM to 5PM. Talks will be 30 minutes, with 10 minutes for Q&A and AV faff.

Our provisional timetable is:


The Machine Learning for Quantum Matter workshops are organised by Roberto Bondesan, Jarvist Moore Frost, Mohammed Azzouzi, Alexander Ganose and Keith Butler.

The workshops are supported by Imperial’s Department of Chemistry, and Imperial I-X.